Année 2024 - 2025
Suivez mes cours du Centre Social
"Lucie Aubrac" de Saint-Dié-Des-Vosges sur facebook, merci
Retrouvez ci-contre le résumé du dernier cours =====>
Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024       To be seen at the beginning of the school year, September 3, 2024 - 10 o'clock. Cheer and see you soon
- I've to quit /kwit/ as soon as possible.
- This liquid /likwid/ is the best one.
- It's quite /kwait/ good.
- Be quiet /kwét/, please !
Réponses brères
En anglais, on répond rarement par yes ou no.
On reprend le sujet, sous forme pronom personnel, et l'auxiliaire.
- Are you at home ?
      Yes, I am / No, I am not.
Renforcer une réponse
Pour une question affirmative, la réponse sera interrogative avec une inonation descendante.
Exemple : le isn't it.
Il sert non pas à demander une confirmation, mais à renforcer l'affirmation faite dans
la première partie de la phrase.
This movie is boring -> Isn't it ?
Isn't it ? = n'est ce pas ?
Autres exemples :
(affirmatif/interrogatif) :
     - We did ..., didn't We ?
     - We will .., Won't We ?
     - We didn't ..., did We ?
     - We won't .., Will We ?
Adj + Noun
L'adjectif se place toujours après le verbe (to be):
It's smal, red and in wood.
Sinon, il se place devant le nom. Retenir l'ordre avec TACOM:
Taille, Age, Couleur, Origine et Matière.
As - So
. Autant que (as/so ... as)
     -Your Doctor is as good as mine.
     -Your Doctor is not so good as mine.
. tellement (so)
     -It's so hot today.
. Quant à moi (as for)
     - As for me ...
From mid-October, you will be able to improve your English at the pub "London Tavern" from 18:00 to 20:00.
Happy summer holidays and thank you for attending English classes.
Tuesday, June 25th, 2024       Hi there, that was a swell a good time with all of us. (C’était un bon moment passé ensemble)
Devoir partir
Comment dire ?
(Sorry,) I've to go.
to go = (to leave, to quit) you.
I (must / gotta) leave.
Because ...
- I've got an appointment.
ça marche
Comment dire ?
It works.
Exemple :
How does your pen write ?
It works well / swell.
Comment dire ?
Excuse me, ...
Apologize me ... like :
I'd better call her up and apologize.
Improve your English
How to do ?
1st : See my playlist "Anglais pour les petits"
2de : Listen to the animated videos.
3th : Hear TV : BBC (542), France24 (543)
What did you do ?
(last week)
- I went to the church to hear a concert.
-I was invited to eat in my friends' house.
- I took a walk with a SPA dog.
- I painted my chairs on the balcony.
- Sunday, I was at the cathedral listening "Lady Choeur".
- I had a drink with some friends at the pub.
26 LOTTO Game
in English available at the social center. Each game includes 3 cards of 6 (image - phrase).
That’s 18 per game and almost 500 in all).
Tuesday, June 18th, 2024       Hi there, thanks for stopping by.
World Refugee Day
What have you done or seen lately?
- I went to World Refugee Day.
- There were many children, mothers and few men for this meeting.
On stage, we saw a pretty young girl singing and three women dancing on a typical song about their country.
- I feel that very moving.
- They were proud to show us an view of Albany.
- On this occasion, we were able to taste many tasty cakes.
For training your improvment in English
You can use one of my game named "loto" and changing a word
such a verb or a noun.
A book : about my 28 "loto" games will be printed soon at the Social Center Lucie Aubrac.
Tuesday, May 29th, 2024       - Loto Game, see on Facebook Yannick Sayer
Tuesday, May 22nd, 2024       - Loto Game, see on Facebook Yannick Sayer
Tuesday, May 14th, 2024       - Loto Game, see on Facebook Yannick Sayer
----- Happy Easter holidays -----
Tuesday, April 16th, 2024
       I wish you a "GOOD HOLIDAY" and see you : thusday, May 7th, 2024
Sure = (sûr)
Exemples :
     - Be sure !
     - I am sure !
     - It's not sure !
     - It's a big house, sure is it!
     - Sure is a big house !
Sure, I haven't got internet!
(je n'avais pas et
je n'ai toujours pas internet!)
Au passé (situation terminée).
     - Yesterday, I missed my bus.
     - So, my bus gone.
Encore manqué
(au moment présent où l'on parle).
     - Now, I've missed this bus.
     - So, this bus has gone.
Get (phrasal)
Exemples :
     - Get on the bus (monter dans)
     - Get off the bus (descendre de)
     - Get in the house (entrer)
     - Get up at 7 (se lever)
     - Get out! (sortir)
     - Get your money back
        Nota (back == re + verbe)
Reserve a hotel room
a) Introducing :
     - I'd like ... / Have you got ... ?
       (a single room with bath
         for May 1st)
b) What kind of room ?
     - a (single/double) room,
       with (bath/shower).
c) For when ?
     - For (Mai, June, ...) the (1st, ...)
d) For how long ?
     - For (one, two, ...) night(s).
     - From May 5th to May 10th.
Hotel booking
K: Receptionist(Karl),
A: Customer(R. Vaie)
K: Leaky Cauldron hostel.
A: Hello! have you got a room.
   for May the 8th ?
K: Single or double ?
A: Single room, please.
K: How many nights ?
A: For one night.
K: Yes, I've got a single room.
A: With a bath ?
K: Yes, with a bath.
A: How much is it ?
K: 45 € a night, bed and breakfast.
A: I'll take it.
K: What name is it please ?
A: Sir R. Vaie.
K: Right, Sir R. Vaie. Will you
   confirm the booking in writing
   an e-mail please ?
A: Yes, of course.
A: Do I have to pay you a deposit?
K: No, just the e-mail.
A: Do you have the subway
     next door?
K: Yes, just in front of the hostel.
A: Great, it’s very convenient.
A: Do you have internet?
K: Yes, free of charge.
A: Thank you and goodbye.
K: Goodbye.
Tuesday, April 9th, 2024       
To note :(date entry by order = 240409) Write a date [édit], writing a date[modify]
       Canaux TV anglais : CNN (541), BBC (542), France24 (543)
Advice / Advise
An advice (un conseil),
to advise (conseiller).
In writing, (par écit)
While writing, (En écrivant)
An advice : I advise you to write a sentence each day, that is the best.
(while / in) writing, you will see your difficulties.
Un- (sens contraire)
to do (faire), to undo (défaire)
to be (well / unwell),
to be (known / unknown),
to be (employed / unemployed),
to be (limited / unlimited ),
to be (locked / unlocked),
it's really quite unnerval.
(c’est vraiment assez troublant)
Trip / Travel
Have a good trip (bonne route),
Have a good travel (bon voyage),
Usual questions :
   -How was your (trip/travel) to ... ?
     . It was :
       (long, awfull, good, bad, .../
       interesting, boring, ...)
*** It’s a subject to talk about ***
Travel from ... to ...
Paris/London : You can travel by :
- Plane, 1h, (convenient and fast)
- Train 3h, (convenient, fast enough)
- Coach (quite long but less expensive)
I can't travel !
  - I've lost my passport,
  - I'm too late,
  - They are on strike,
  - I am in the wrong (way, gate, ...),
  - I've someting forbiden to fly,
  - I am ill, I've a contagious illness,
  - I am afraid to take fly,
  - I am unwell, I have a raging fever,
  - ...
Moving on to the game
Games allow (permettre) you to learn while having fun without tiring (fatiguer) your brain.
Usual questions :
In the starting block :   - Ready, set, (go, run, ...)
  - You have to be "good sports", that means we have to play by the rules.
The game rules
- To win the trophy, you have :
   first, (to go to the station),
   then, (pass through the tunnel),
   finaly arrive to Pancras' station.
- You need to wait the starting whistle
   before to go!
- The winner will be the first one to
   travel over the finish line.
- Only the winner will receive the
   blue ribbon.
April 2nd, 2024         Don't forget to improve
your English : Write a sentence each day about what you did, or do or will do.
See you next week with some ones. Thanks.
How to use : so
... So , ... (Donc, alors, ainsi)
... So, let’s move on to another topic.
Soso (Comme ci comme ça).
How are you ? I am soso.
So (Si ou tellement)
She is so smart.
Elle est si intelligente.
So far (Jusqu'ici)
So far, I have lived in London.
Jusqu’à présent, j’ai vécu à Londres.
Also (Aussi)
I am at home, you're also too.
... not so ... as (... pas si ... que)
Your garden is not so beautiful as mine.
Votre jardin n'est pas aussi beau que le mien.
To go
To go (aller) to = idée de déplacement vers
un lieu assez grand.
(go, went, have gone, will go).
Exemple :
I go to (school, London, ...).
Mais, I go home. (without to).
For a specific place :
I go to the (station, theater, village, post-office, concert).
To come
To come (venir, entrer) = idée de rentrer ou sortir (lieu fermé).
(come, came, have come, will come)
Exemple :
Come in (entrez), come out (sortez), come back (revenez),
who will come with me to the movies ?
at, in, on, into, onto
Exemples :
He is at home (at = à)
I have my breakfast in the morning.
(in = dans, à l'intérieur)
Is on the table, (on = sur)
Mais aussi : on saturday, ...
Si mouvement, on ajoute -to.
Go onto the platform,
Put it into the box.
's ou -s' / -s
's ou -s' Indique une appartenance.
On peu le templacer par (de).
Easter's Day (Le jour de Pâques).
Christmas's Tree (l'arbe de Noël).
-s On peu le templacer par (des).
Name = Sayer, Family = Sayers,
(la famille des Sayers).
-gh est muet sauf :
Enough /ineuf/
I have not enough money /mony/
(je n'ai pas assez ...)
Tough /taf/ (avoir du "taf").
Tough = dur = hard work.
March 26th, 2024          Talk about my movie : An Easter's story with Sophie
        Useful expressions            (from the movie)
For Easter's day, ... means (Pour le jour de Pâques,...) Notez l'appartenance (de) = 's, like : Easter's Bunny, Sophie's Easter, ...
Sophie is going on egg's hunt means (Sophie part à la chasse aux œufs) elle est en train d'aller (dans ce lieu/moment) ...
Sophie needs to find one egg for each color.... means (Sophie doit trouver...), avec le sens il faut. Ici, on n'utilisera pas to have to.
Thanks for helping means (Merci pour ton aide) Noter, qu'après thanhs, good, great, le verbe est toujours en -ing.
Will you help her ? (Will) is used to -> Inviter qqc poliment, like : will you give me ...
What color comes next ? means : (Quelle couleur vient ensuite ?). Attention, c'est une question sans l'auxiliaire do.
So far, we've found red, orange, yello ans green eggs.
far = loin, far away = très loin, and So far = jusqu'à présent.
Notez que (So far) indique que jusque ici, on a trouvé et on a toujours trouvé, donc on utilise le Past Perfect
             THIS - THAT
Is this egg red ? means : (Celui (juste ici) est t'il rouge ?). Answers : Yes it is. = Yes, this is red. / No it is not ! = No, this is not red !
Is that egg yellow ? means : (Celui (là bas) est t'il jaune ?). Answers : (Yes,) that's it ! / (No,) that's not !
interjection: I succeeded
Dans un jeu, lorsque vous avez gagné, vous pouvez crier votre performance :
That's it!, well!, swell!, well done!, I did it!, I've got it!,
good thinking!, I made it!, gotcha!, I am the winer!, Horray !, ...
          LOTO sur Pâques.
Le LOTO de PÄQUES est composé de 18 mots anglais simples de tous les jours :
a fish, a church, a basket, a cake, a chick, a hen, a rabbit, an easter egg, a lamb,
jelly jeans, ribbon, a bell, a nest, an island, a cross, a bow, a flowern to hunt.
Good luck.
             OUT - UN - OFF
I search eggswith you. = Je cherche les oeufs avec vous.
I search eggswithout you. = Je cherche les oeufs sans vous.
It is fair. = c'est juste.
It is unfair. = c'est injuste.
Put your hat on. = Mettez votre chapeau.
Take your hat off. = Ôtez votre chapeau.
March 19th, 2024         (First part) Write what you did, do, will do, for example ->
(Second part) Vocabulary jeu LOTO about : Bodily Care (Les soins corporels).
         1st part: Write about ...
To improve your English :
I invite you to write a sentence each day about : what you did or do or will do.
(1) - This afternoon, I’m going shopping, but before I have to make administrative papers.
keep in mind :
I am going (shopping / to shops)
To make = to buit.
(2) - Last sunday morning, I cleaned my garden, because the weather was fine.
keep in mind :
... fine, beautiful, good, ...
(3) - Last sunday afternoon, I watched an adventure movie, about two brothers walking in Norway.
keep in mind :
I watch = j'ai regardé
I saw = j'ai vu
... walking = ... en train de marcher
(4) - This morning, I looked a mouse who was eating cat's food.
keep in mind :
who was eating = qui étaient en train de manger
(5) - Tomorrow, I will go to Nancy for a tooth appointment. I am happy because I have got it this morning.
(6) - Last weekend, I was on holiday in the south of France, I mean in Nice. I went there by train.
keep in mind :
I was on ... = j'étais ...
I maen = je veux dire / enfin
             2de part: Bodily Care
              (1) Hygiene (hygiène)
the bathroom (sdb), a bath (un bain), a sink (un lavabo), a shower (une douche), soap (savon),
a sponge (une éponge), a towem (une serviette),a bathrobe (un peignoir), toilette paper (du papier hygiènique),
a wet wipe (une lingette), toothpast (dentifirice), toothbrush (brosse à dents), clean (propre), dirty (sale),
to take care (prendre soin), to wash (se laver), to shave (se raser), to soap onself (se savonner), to dry onself (se sécher).
    (2) Hair care (les soins capilaires)
shampoo (champooing), a comb (un peigne), a hairbrush (une brosse à cheveux), a curl (une boucle), a fringe (une frange),
pigtails (des couettes), a ponytail (une queue de cheval), a plait (une tresse ou une natte), a barber (coiffeur pour hommes),
a hairdresser (coiffeur pour femmes), a haircut (une coupe), a wig (une perruque, bald (chauve), curly hair (cheveux ondulés),
straight hair (cheveux raides), to cut sb's hair (couper les cheveux de qqn).
(3) Beauty care (les soins esthétiques)
a mirror (un miroir), a wrinkle (une ride), make-up (le maquillage), foundation cream (fond de teint), powder (la poudre)
lipstick (rouge à lèvre), eye shadow (ombre à paupières), tweezers (pince à épiler), nail clippers (un coupe ongle),
a nail brush (une brosse à ongles), a moisturizer (une lotion hydratante), a cosmetican (une esthéticienne).
March 12th, 2024         (First part) Putting on a play, (Second part) Pirate Game
            (1st) Putting on a play.
Topic :
How to engage and maintain a conversation between two people.
   Scenario In a train compartment :
   C. for Claude and J. for Josiane.
C. Good morning, excuse me, is the seat free ?
J. Yes, sure, please do.
C. Where are you going ?
J. I am going to Annecy LakeC. What will you do there ?
J. I will go to the festival.
C. Tell me, what kind of festival is it ?
J. it’s a classical music festival
          Scenario : In the beach
A. Hi, have you got some sun lotion? because I have forgot it.
B. Yes, I can lend you mine and keep it, I will come back tomorrow
A. Will you please spread it on my back and shoulders.
B. Yes, with pleasure.
A. What do you advice to discover here and in the neighbourhood ?
B. You can have excursions and guided tours.
        Chassé-croisé de manière.
         To rock a baby to sleep
                     means :
     Endormir un bébé en le berçant.
     (Car on y exprime une manière).
Jeu loto des Pirates
           Vocabulary about Pirates.
February 20th, 2024Have a good holiday, see you March 12th, 2024.
    We what about LONDON          Find out my
(1) How to go there,
     - I can go to London by ...
          ...plane, bus, rail.
Action terminée :
      - I went there 2 years ago.
      - I used to go a long time ago.
                Where to sleep ?
- The best is to rent something in London, because if you want to live outside like for example CROYDON, you will have to pay the transport (quite expensive, 16 -20 € per day).
- I advice you to search and booking on internet in a "youth hostel" : about 50 - 100 € a night per bed.
         How to visit London ?
To visit LONDON :
    - The best is, on foot with       a day bus ticket zone 1 - 2      (6 - 8 € per day).
    - Panoramic bus,
    - Cruise on the Thames,
See the difference between :           
Things may change over time, here’s how to talk about the differences between before and now.
      How to use ( if ) in sentences ?
(1) Si j'ai faim, je mange.
If I’m hungry, I eat.
(2) Si j'ai un crayon, je peu écrire.
If I have a pencil, I can write.
(3) Si j'étais riche, j'achéterais un château.
If I was rich, I’d buy a castle.
                      A GAME       to relax and learn vocabulary
                 Thank you
         for your participation.
          Have a good holiday.
February 13th, 2024      Hi there - Let's see (1) Health, (2) Travel, (3) The verbs tenses : Past, Present and Present perfect      
         (1) La santé HEALTH
être ( malade / pas bien)
How are you ?
   - I am ill.
   - I am notwell = "I ain't well"
tomber malade
   - I am fallen ill.
une infection (disease)
attraper une infection
   - I am catched a disease.
    (2) Usual questions about                 TRAVEL
Where did you go ?
I went to the Canary Islands.
Why did you go there?
because ...
I wanted to find the sun.
How long did you spend ?
I stayed two weeks.
         (3) The verbs tenses
(a) Le passé PAST Pour les situations terminées.
(b) PRESENT Pour les situations usuelles.
(c) PRESENT PERFECT Conséquence d'un passé récent.
         (3a) PAST
On utilise souvent un adverbe de temps comme : yesterday, last summer, two weeks ago, ...
Yesterday, I went to Paris.
Last month, I bought a new car.
Ten year ago, I was younger.
       (3a) PRESENT
On utilise souvent un adverbe de temps comme : usually, often, generally, ...
Usually, I go to Paris.
I often buy a new car.
Generally, I have dinner at home.
Il s'agit d'adverbes qui expriment un lien temporel avec le présent,
so far (jusqu'à présent), since (depuis), over the past
few weeks (ces dernières semaines), ou d'adverbes exprimant le bilan dans
le présent, comme never, before, already, yet, still, it's the first time.
Exemples :
Still this morning, ...
    - I' ve played card games.
    - I' ve walked in the house.
    - I' ve made a cake.
    - I' ve wrote letters.
Since this morning, ...
    - I' ve laughed all the time.
    - I' ve read this book.
For years, ...
    - I' ve heard about you.
    - I' ve liked spending money.
february 6th, 2024      Welcome to Claude and Pascale. (1) Today : What did you do last week-end ? (2) Thematic phrases, (3) Riddles
         (1) What did you do               last week-end ?
J) I helped a friend collect food and hygiene products.
S) I went to the museum to listen to musichall.
M) I walked in the forest with my family, in the evening I saw a match of volley-ball.
C) I celebrated Maxime's birthday who was 1 year old.
P) I walked in the snow with my husband to see the landscape.
C) I stayed at home and I read a novel about Arthur's king.
O) I yelled "go", cheered and applaused the teams.
Y) I lost my pen and found it in the back seat of my car.
Reminders: Verbs in past time take "-ed" and irregular verbs are to be learned as:
go, past: went, have gone
choose, past: chose, have chosen
- What belongs a nest ?    A bird or a fish ?
- Who belongs this skirt ?    Carolle or Jean ?
Thanks you for participating.
January 30th, 2024       Today : riddles, theme vocabulary, the verb "to miss" and loto about the association of "adjective + noum", and which.
Sentences with about Kitchen
I prepare the dinner,
I cook the chiken in the oven
I cut my meat with a knife
I set up the table : plates, glasses, ..
I clear the saucepan,
I wash dishes in the sink,
I read a recipe,
I make a cake,
Sentences with about Weather
What is the weather like today ?
cold / warm,
sunny / cloudy,
rainy / snowy,
a (grey / blue) sky,
a beautiful rainbow,
The temperature is (fine / 6° / ...).
Sentences with about Carnaval
For carnival :
- I dress up like a witch
- I disguise with a crooked nose,
- I make up with dark colors,
- I wear a wig and a hat,
- I wear a aasquerade mask for carnival and masked ball.
What about to miss ? Can you guess ?
It's missing a card.
Let's see !
Where is the missing card ?
Are you sure you've a missing one ?
Let's check how many you have ?
Count with me : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
right, it is really missing one of six!
LOTO Association of "adjective + noum"
(1) Colors and numbers :
- Blue five,
- Red one,
- Golden two,
- Orange four,
- Green three,
- ...
LOTO Association of "adjective + noum"
(1) Colors and shapes :
- Blue square,
- Red rectangle,
- Golden diamond,
- Orange triangle,
- Green circle,
- ...
Lequel est ? Which on is ?
Let's see two triangles,
a big red one and a small green one.
- Find which on is :
- the gigger ?
(answer) The red one!
- the maller ?
(answer) The green one!
January 23rd, 2024       - Thanks for helping. See you next week.
Vocabulary about : Christmas
christmas eve = Veille de Noël
Christmas tree / Santa
angel or star (on the top),
The presents under the tree,
(light)(colored) Garlands,
baubles (on the branches),
candles and crakers
stable (cow, sheep, monkey,...),
to give, to receive (gifts)
Vocabulary about : New year
to drink champagne,
to send card with wishes,
to mail wishes for New Year,
health, job, money, ...
slip/slipping on the ice
(glisser sur la glace)
to skate (patiner)
Vocabulary about : King's pie
like : Charles's pie (cake),
inside : bean, apple mash,
recipe : flour, egg, sugar, ...
king, queen,
to make (cake),
to cup parts,
to choose/pick a slice (part),
to drink cider or apple juice,
to win the bean ! Congratulations.
Game (5) topic : Questions and usual sentences.
Could you use some help ?
(Voulez vous un peu d'aide ?)
Do you see who makes that sound ?
Tu vois qui fait ce bruit ?
We had such an exiting trip.
Nous avons eu un tel voyage excitant
Do you see the missing stone ?
Tu vois la pierre manquante ?
The bridge is missing some pieces.
Il manque des morceaux au pont.
let's see looking...
Voyons voir...
look at the map before going.
Regardez la carte avant de partir.
Which part of the instructions goes first
Quelle partie des instructions passe en premier
What shape piece goes here ?
Quelle forme de pièce va ici ?
Which crayon do we use to color ?
Quel crayon utilisons-nous pour colorer ?
That's how to get the bear's home.
C'est comme ça que l'on arrive à la maison de l'ours.
who goes "miaou" ?
Qui fait "miaou" ?
You have to go pass the sheep farm.
Vous devez aller passer la ferme de moutons.
September 12th, 2023      ***** soon, we'll be in 2024 /touenti touenti for/
Comment pParler : d'actions futures ?
On utilise l'expression be going to ... pour exprimer :
- une intention,
- la résolution de quelque chose
- ou prédire un évènement.
Structure de la forme affirmative :
sujet + be going to + BV
be se conjugue au présent : I am, You are, He is, She is, it is, We are, they are.
going to = gonna, reste invariable
BV = Base Verbale au présent : (get, go, read, ...)
Exemples :
I am going to school.
(Je vais à la maison)
Expression courante :
be going to = (be gonna) :
I am gonna school.
(Je vais à la maison)
Actions futures avec soon = bientôt
Soon, it is going to rain.
Soon, it is gonna rain.
(Bientôt, il va pleuvoir)
Actions futures avec : be going to be :
It's going to be your Christmas vacation.
(ça va être tes vacances de Noël)
Actions futures avec be going to be + V-ed Exemple : It's going to be done.
(ça va être fait)
Actions futures avec be going to be + V-ing Exemple : It's going to be sliding.
(ça va être glissant)
Forme négative :
Sujet + be + not + going to + BV
He isn't going to sing.
(il ne va pas chanter)
They aren't going to sing
(ils ne vont pas chanter)
aren't /ant/
December 5th, 2023, ***** soon, we'll be in 2024 /touenti touenti for/
How many people are there ?
There are (n) people.
To obtain (n), you have to count them.
to count /caount/ = compter,
a count = un compter,
acounting = la comptbilité,
count right ! = le compte est bon !
Déclinaisons (v.) compter
Usually I count my money,
Yesterday I counted my money,
Till this morning I've counted my money,
Now I am counting my money,
Tomorrow, I'll count my money,
I had money, I'd count it.
D'une manière génarale, on ne prononce pas les lettres:
k Knees /nies/ = les genoux.
To know /tou no/ = savoir.
gh Sleigh /slé/ = un traineau.
Mots qui se terminent en (-y)
a girl (une fille),a girly (fifille),
fun (amusant), funny (drôle),
cute (joli), Make cutsy (faire la jolie),
a bear (un ours), nice bearsy (joli ourson),
-able = capable
to drink (boire),
drinkable (buvable).
-less = moins, sans
good (bon),
goodless (pas bon, sans bonté).
Jeu Loto, quelques exemples :
Go by train is convenient,
The butcher's is on your right,
Where's the train station ?
See you at the library,
Would you like a bowl of soup,
What do you do on monday ?
Can I have a cup of tea ?
I have linch at 12,
Did you see my pencil case ?
I get dressed at 8,
She drinks a ca of lemonade,
She's git curly hair,
May I have a carton of orange ?
Do you like traveling by boat ?
I've got a stomack ache.
... jeu de 72 phrases.
November 28th, 2023
TRAVEL Voyages / 1
Thank you Claude for sharing your journey in thailand
Déclinaisons (v.) voyager
Usually I travel to London,
Yesterday traveld to Bangkok,
Till this morning I've taveled by train,
Now I am travelling,
Tomorrow, I'll travel to find out Thailand,
I'd travel if I had time.
TRAVEL Voyages / 2
How to say it ? (Expressions : comment le dire ?)
je veux / voudrais aller ... I (want / 'd like) ...
... to (go / fly) to Paris,
... to go by (car, plane) / on foot,
... alone / with my sister,
Je suis allé(e) (I went to ...)
Je reviens de (I came from ...)
TRAVEL Voyages / 3 : (to buy ...)
acheter un billet dans le bus, métro
- Oxford street, please.
Aller simple, AR, à la journée
- A single to Oxford, please.
- A return to London, please.
- A day-return to Croydon, please.
Si vous êtes plusieurs :
- (Two, three, ...) to Heathrow, please.
le prix (price) :
- How much ?
- 2.50€ (Gives ticket)
TRAVEL Voyages / 4
Où se trouve ... (la gare, l'arrêt de bus, ...)
- Where is the station ?
- Where is the bus stop ?
Quand descendre du bus ?
- Can you temm me when to get off, please.
Où aller ?
(Call me / I want ) a taxi, please.
Le taxi dit souvent : - Where to ?
What's your address ?
TRAVEL Voyages / 5
Travelling : - Economic or first class ?
- I'll check if that's OK !
A quelle heure ... part/arrive le train ?
What time does the train ...
- start ?
- arrive ?
Combien de temps dure le trajet ?
How long does it take ?
Is that clear (to you) ?
Nursery Rhymes (Twinkle, twinkle Star)
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are ?
Up above the world si high,
Like a diamond in the sky,
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are ?
lien dans quelques jours.
LOTO : Daily routine
Game with 6 sets.
A set per person.
A set includes 6 pictures.
That is mean : 36 pictures with 36 usual sentences like :
I wake up at 7,
I have breakfast,
I get dressed
i have a shower,
I go get the mail,
I get on the bus,
I clear the table,
I tidy up my bedroom,
November 21st, 2023
Conversation dans les principaux différents temps usuels.
En 1837, un orphelin nommé "The boy Jones" réussit à entrer et vivre à Buckingham Palace pendant un an.
Do you know how?
Il se cachait dans les cheminées et recouvrait ses draps de suie pour ne pas être vu !
Do you know that?
A l'origine, Big Ben devait s'appeler The Great Bell (La Grande Cloche) en anglais,
Le surnom Big Ben a fini par désigner la tour elle-même.
Do you know that?
Dans la sage Harry Potter, le train Poudlard Express part du quai 9 3/4 de la gare de King's Cross.
La façade est celle de la gare Saint Pancras d'où partent et arrivent les Euro-Stars.
Fish and chips
Le fish and chips est le plat comportant un filet de poisson pané et des frites.
Tu le trouves dans les restaurants, mais aussi, dans les "food trucks".
Apple pie
l'apple pie est un dessert dans lequel les pommes sont disposées sur une pâte, puis recouvertes d'une deuxième couche de pâte.
Le tout est mis au four pour avoir des pommes fondantes et une pâte croustillante.
Tea time !
Pas question de se déroger au rituel anglais de la tasse de thé.
Les Anglais le prennent entre 16h et 18h, avec du sucre et un nuage de lait.
Le tea time s'accompagne d'un petit en-cas composé de scornes à tartiner de confiture, de muffins, de cakes, ...
october 19th, 2023
Réponses : brèves (1)
En anglais, on répond rarement par yes ou no.
On répond avec :
- l'auxiliaire be,
- have got,
- l'auxiliaire do.
- le modal can,
- le modal must.
Réponses : brèves (2) Exemples
Is your syster at home ?
Yes she is.
No she isn't (is not).
Have you got a guitare ?
Yes I have.
No I haven't (have not).
Réponses : brèves (3) Exemples
Do you want a coffee ?
Yes Ido.
No I don't (do not).
Réponses : brèves (4) Exemples
Can I have a sweet ?
Yes you can.
No you can't (can not).
You must go to bed.
Yes I must.
No I mustn't (must not).
verbe : want (vouloir)
I want,
You want,
She wants,
He wants,
We want,
they want.
I wonder if you have time.
(je me demande si vous avez du temps)
Verve : like (aimer)
I like coffee
(j'aime le café)
I'd like coffee
(j'aimerai du café)
of devant les unités de mesure
I'd like a bottle of milk.
of devant les unités (exemples)
I'd like a pound of apples.
I'd like a pint of beer.
I'd like a kilo of pears.
I'd like a glass of water.
I'd like a packet of envelopes.
I'd like a box of matches.
Pour demander : - Une quantité
que l'on peut compter on dit : How many (apples) ?
Pour demander : - Une quantité
que l'on ne peut pas compter on dit : How much (riz) ?
During holidays
See you CORA, the two next Tuesdays, same time .
Tuesday October, 11th 2023
    Theme of the day     (Dialogue) Sur la famille.
Y. Hi, Sylvia,
S. Hello Yannick,
Y. Are you married Sylvia ?
S. Yes, I am. Are you ?
Y. No, I am single.
     Have you got any children ?
S. Yes, I have got a son
     and two daughters.
     Are you here on business ?
         Dialogue (suite)
Y. Yes, I am.
S. What kind of business
br>     are you doing ?
Y. I am giving some
     English courses.
S. That sounds fine.
Y. Sorry, we've just arrived
     at the station. Good bye.
S. Good bye.
             Vocabulaire de base
     Father (père)
     Mother (mère)
     Son (fils)
     Daughter (fille)
      Expressions de base (1)
Are you married ? (êtes-vous marié ?)
- No, I am not / Yes I am.
- I am (marrid, single, divorced)
      Expressions de base (2)
Have you goy any children ? (avez-vous des enfants ?)
How many children have you got ? (combien d'enfants avez-vous ?)
      Expressions de base (3)
- I have got ...
- I haven't got any ...
(a,one) child, daughter, son,
two children, daughters, sons,
Expression : ..., moi non plus
Y. I dislike coffee.
S. Me neither,
Expression : ..., moi aussi
Y. I am in the museum.
S. So, am I.
Expression : 1, 1st, (une fois)
1 = one, deux = two
1st = first, 2nd = second
1x = once, 2x = twice
Do you like to play ...
... the (piano, guitare, ...)
... (football, tennis, ...)
Expression : devoir partir
Sorry, I'm gonna have
           to leave you.
(désolé, je dois vous laisser)
      CAN        Pouvoir (oi) savoir
                      (selon le contexte)
Can you speak (English, ...) ?
(savez-vous parler anglais, ... ?)
               H A L L O W E E N                   
October 3rd, 2023
        Theme of the day     (thème du jour) Les loisirs.
What do you like to do/make ?
I like to (do ..., make ...)
Hobby = I like to ... (aimer)
... go walking (se promener)
... dance (danser)
... listen to music
    (écouter de la musique)
... watch TV
    (regarder la télévision)
Hobby = I love to ... (adorer)
... read books
    (lire des livres)
... read magazines
    (lire des magazines)
... knit sweaters
    (tricoter des pulls)
Hobby = I play ... (jouer)
... play football
    (je joue au football)
... play the piano
    (je joue au piano)
... play video games
    (je joue aux jeux vidéo)
I like to do / to make ?
I like to do my homeworks
(j'aime faire mes devoirs)
I like to make things
(j'aime fabriquer des choses)
    dear (chèr)/ darling (chéri)
My dear friend,
(Mon/ma chèr/e ami/e)
Your have a darling home
(Vous avez une charmante maison, sens chérie)
Verbe oublier forget, forgot, have forgotten ?
Usually I forget
(habitute = présent)
Yesterday I forgot
(hier = passé, fini !)
I have forgotten
(j'ai oublié)
How to use some ?
(1) Phrases affirmatives :
I have got some flowers
(j'ai des fleurs)
(2) Si la réponse sera 'oui'
Have you got some tea ?
(avez-vous du thé ?)
How to use any ?
(1) Phrases négatives :
I have got any children ?
(avez-vous des enfants)
(2) Phrases interrogatives :
have got any children ?
(avez-vous des enfants)
How to use any/some ?
some signifie un certain He's looking for some book.
(Il cherche un certain livre)
any signifie n'importe quel' I will take any book.
(Je prendrai n'importe quel livre.)
Y. Good morning, Madam.
J. Good morning, I am Josy.
Y. I am Yannick,     what nationality are you ? J. I am British,
Y. So am I, welcome to Paris.
J. Thanks, have a good day.
      Dialogue (2)
Y. Hello, are you English ?
C. No, I am not !
Y. Where are you from ? C. I am from France.
Y. What part of France ? C. I am from Paris, Montmartre.
            some / any
  - Y a-t-it une ou des sucettes ?
. Si on la ou les voit :
      Is there some sweet ?
      Are there some sweets ?
. Si on ne la ou les voit pas :
      Is threre any sweet ?
      are there any sweets ?
      Some ou Any
            this / that (il y a ...)
- This is a pen.
(c'est un crayon juste à côté)
- That is a pen.
(c'est un crayon là-bas)
To meet (encontrer) Today I meet you, now I'm meeting you, last saturday I met Mario, tomorrow I (am going to /will) meet you.
Sound [ail], the lettre "i" in the words : web site, mobile, kite. Dialogue, Diana.
le verbe : devoir partir, I must go now! I have to go after seeing you, I gotta go
Voir le modal Must
How do you do ? = (Comment allez-vous ?) On répond par la même question : How do you do ? (heureux de vous rencontrer).
-ing indique une activité ou un état au moment où l'on parle.
I live in London (j'habite à Londres) and I am staying in Paris (je reste en ce moment à Paris).
Dialogue 1: in the street (Y = yannick, F = friend)
Y - Hi,
F- How are you ?
Y - Very well, thanks, and you ?
F - fine, thank you.
Dialogue 2 : Hotel (Y = yannick, M = Mario)
Y - Hello,
M - Hello, Who are you ?
Y - My name is SAYER, Yannick Sayer.
M - Sayer, ... How di you spell it ?
Y - S_A_Y_E_R
M - Yes Sir, I have got it, room 10.
Dialogue 3 : in the street (Y = yannick, S= Sylvia)
Y - How do you do ?
S - How do you do ?
Y - Where are you staying ?
S - In Saint-Dié.
Y - What is your address ?
... (suite)
S - 88, station road.
Y - Are you on the phone ?
S - Yesn of course.
Y - What's the number ?
S - 0 3. 1 2. 8 7. 4 6. 5 9
treasure's hunt (Chasse au trésor) / treasure's hunter (chasseur de trésor).
voir : Le Génitif
pleasure(plaisir). pleasure (to see you, to meet you, ...) = heureux de vous (voir, renconter, ...)
to write (écrire) Last year, I wrote... / Next year, I will write. Le passé est terminé, le futur certain = will
19 Action future
after the rain ... = after raining ..., after (base verbale + ing) / Before (base verbale + ing)
Voir Gérondif
a hunt, a hunter, to hunt. le "h" se prononce en début de mot : hair, hand, horse, head, heart, hat, ...
Le h aspiré : règle
to forget (oublier). Yesterday I forgot, Till this morning, I've forgotten. le passé est terminé (I forgot), une action passée non terminée = I have forgotten
Voir present perfect (*)
to forget (oublier), don't forget (your hat) = n'oubliez pas ..., don't forger (to read / reading) your book, Do not = pour insister
20 L’impératif
how long (was the journey) ? = combien de temps (était le voyage) ? how long does it take (Combien de temps ça prend ?)
Voir How
to use (utiliser), I use a knife to pell an apple (J’utilise un couteau pour éplucher une pomme)
I used to repeat that ! (j'ai l'habiture de répéter celà !)
in / inside, how to choise ? Example : I'm standing in the street (not inside) or in the living room (not inside).
Vocabulary. Large (grand) like a large garden, big (gros) like a big house, wide (large) like a wide avenue, long (long) like a long street , hight (haut) like a hight building.
How to use the sound [to] tea for TWO, from TWO TO four, TO you, you TOO, eight TO five.
(thé pour deux, de deux à quatre, pour toi aussi, à tous les coups)